Spring is the perfect time to declutter and use up what’s been lurking in the pantry and freezer. Enter the pantry challenge, plus the freezer too!
The kitchen is the most used space in our homes, so it naturally becomes unorganized at times. Sometimes more often than I’d like to admit!
I’ve been doing an occasional ‘no spend month’ where we reduce buying unnecessary items and spend money on the essentials only– food, supplies, bills, etc. This usually forces me to get creative and use up food already on hand.
I love creativity in the kitchen, not only because it saves money, but reduces food waste as well. (and I get to pretend I’m a Chopped contestant!)
I can usually come up with an extra three or four meals just from the items in the pantry and freezer. If you’re considering a pantry or freezer clean out, now’s your chance to join in!
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Join our Pantry x Freezer Clean Out Challenge!
Later this month I’m hosting a fun, one-week-long pantry and freezer raid challenge with my friend and fellow Registered Dietitian, Lindsey from The Meal Planning Method.
We want to help you use up all your pantry and freezer inventory, save money, and get organized!

Here are the details and how to sign up:
Dates: Sunday, March 29 through Saturday, April 4.
Hosted by: Lindsey from The Meal Planning Method and yours truly!
We’ll be sending out daily emails and sharing on our social channels all the details to carry out a successful pantry and freezer challenge.
If you want to join the challenge, click to drop your email below:
What is a pantry challenge exactly?
A pantry challenge is one method of making sure to eat what you have on hand, without buying a lot of extra groceries.
It can:
- help save money
- reduce food waste
- remove kitchen clutter
- create a more organized kitchen space
Food waste is a major global economic issue. In America alone, 40 percent of all edible food produced goes uneaten. Food is wasted throughout every single stage, from farm production to the end consumer.
But it’s the consumer who’s responsible for the majority of wasted food. The average family of four wastes nearly $1,500 worth of food each year.
What are the pantry and freezer challenge rules?
There are no strict rules to our pantry and freezer challenge. You can make it your own! You may choose to set a small grocery budget or not go at all during the challenge. It’s totally up to you.
Some people still buy fresh produce, milk, and eggs to supplement throughout a pantry challenge.
The object of the game is to get creative juices flowing, and see what meals you can find hiding in the pantry and freezer, without spending a ton of extra money.
What information will this pantry challenge cover?
We’ll be sending out an email each day with Registered Dietitian approved resources and tips to help you take action! We’ll cover:
- pantry and freezer inventory
- deciding what to keep and what to throw out + proper food storage
- creative meal planning + recipe ideas to help use up your inventory
- tips to reduce food waste
- organization strategies
- real people before and after photos
How to plan ahead for the pantry and freezer challenge
Start by setting a simple goal for yourself! Do you want to reduce your food waste, save more money on your grocery bills, or cook more at home?
Or maybe it’s all of the above?
Whichever it is, our one week challenge can help you get a headstart. You can always refer back to the resources we’ll be sending out and our websites to stay on track after the challenge.
Lindsey will be sending out a pantry and freezer inventory printable for you to use, like the ones featured below to start the challenge!
Feel free to print out the inventory sheets if you want to get a head start!
Final Thoughts
I hope you’ll join us for this 7-day, pantry and freezer clean out challenge! Save more money, reduce food waste, and remove your kitchen clutter!
Don’t forget to sign up for our daily emails below:
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